Born on the fourth of July, 2008, Parsifal, "a foolish boy of the grail" and Ariadne, "flies to the skies,"had a litter of beautiful Rat Terrier puppies, one little female, the rest are males. Puppies grow from about 11 to 14 lbs, two were smaller than eight pounds. Excellent temperaments and a great pet, the rat terrier is one of the best kept secrets alive today and everyone should know this is the greatest breed of dog to own. No puppies as this time.

La Liberte Kennels
Brooklyn, NY 11223
Telephone: 917-379-4384

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La Liberte Kennels
Ariadne is tri chocolate & Parsifal is a tri blue mini rat terriers!!!! 
Adults For Placement, call 917-379-4384